Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The little prince : chapter11-12


When he went to the second planet, the little prince met a vain man who was the only one who was leaving there. The man was wearing funny clothes and want the little prince to admire him because for him, he is the handsomest, the best dressed, the richest and the most intelligent in his planet. The vain man asked the little prince to clap his hands while he was tipping his hat. At the beginning it was funny but when the little prince got borried, he left. On his way he found another planet where he founded a drunkard who leaves alone there. The little prince was worrying about him and wanted to know why he drunk so much but he didn't understand and he went on his way. He said grown-up are very strange.

Shrug: gesture; language

Blushing: become colored

Interesting sentence

This is more entertaining than the visit to the king.

Meaning of the interesting sentence

The visit to the vain man is more distract than the visit to the king.


The little prince always say that growns-up are strange. Why doesn't he try to understand them? He always left.

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