Saturday, November 20, 2010

The little prince chapter 16-17


Chapter 16

The seventh planet was the earth. The planet earth is very huge, there were a lot of kings, geographers, businessmen, drunkards, grown-ups and lamplighters. The number of lamplighter was higher because the electricity was not invented yet.


The planet earth is very huge; it contains two billion people who just occupy a little space. Once arrived the there, the little prince found nobody even though it contains so many people. He thought that it was a different planet, but he met a snake who told him that he is in the desert and there is no one in the desert. The appearance of the snake made the little prince underestimates him without knowing that he is very powerful.


Uncoiled: opposite coiled= be made known, explicate

“No thicker than a finger”: No deep or fat than a finger

Interesting sentence

“Anyone I touch, I send back to the land from which he came”

Meaning of the interesting sentence

It means that he is very dangerous; he is capable of killing somebody.


Why the snake said: I solve them all and they were both silent?

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